Connected Learning for Kids
STEAM Education for Students of Age 6-14 years
STEAM Learning: Integration of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths for development of co-curricular activities for kids.
Give Your IDEA

Learn different aspects of Art and Craft design and Draw amazing stuffs using your Imagination and Creative Thinking and move forward in your product design journey by integrating your model with IoT devices.

There is SCIENCE in

Science is explaining why exactly anything happens. Understanding the reason behind anything is very important as to develop a proper approach of moving forward with learning. STEAM learning starts from Science as that itself defines how things work in real life.

Can you work your

Learn different aspects of Art and Craft design and Draw amazing stuffs using your Imagination and Creative Thinking and move forward in your product design journey by integrating your model with IoT devices.


Engineering is Science combined with Innovation and Technology. Being an Engineer is creating new design and innovation to benefit humanity. It's better to be a problem solver than to be a problem creator.

Give a touch of TECH!

Life without Technology is pointless and Tech without diversity is useless. You need tools to solve your problems and to be Effective and Efficient, Technology is one of the most important areas of development.

Connected Learning Program

Connected Learners Program combines STEM Education with Art and Craft Education for kids from age 6 to 14 years of age so as to develop co-curricular activities and also focusing on improving analytical and logical thinking abilities in children.

What is Connected Learning?

Connected Learning is developing basic understanding for Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths by linking it with different Art and Craft ideas like designing your working model made of paper.
Students can design their working connected learning model and integrate it with Artificial Intelligence so as to design their full ML (Machine Learning) model.

Bring the Technology in your Craft!

Majority of the parents think that Screen time (Laptop, Mobile and TV) is the single biggest challenge with their kids.

72% of the parents think STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics) approach is the best solution for their kids.
Why take Connected Learning Program?

Connected Learning with STEAM Education focuses on developing processes which helps in driving innovation. Science, Tech, Engineering, Art and Math are the key areas of development when combined with cognitive learning and understanding. Technology transforms the society and environment around us. You can consider STEAM as the 5 basic pillars on which new innovations are built.

connected-learning connected-learning connected-learning
Connected Learning Subscription Offered by Wizklub

Wizklub offers one connected learning 6 monthly subscription online course which will be guiding you through online tutorials to create and design your own ML model using Art and Craft Education and integrating it with STEAM Education.

Connected Learning
6 Months Subscription Plan
How Connected Learning Program will help?
Refine and build your subject specific knowledge in our Connected Learning classes to focus on 5 key areas of development for kids i.e., Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics.

What you can build?
  • Create your own working ML model
  • Design it according to your imagination using our connected learning kit offered to you
  • Use different art and craft design ideas to make your working model and integrate it using IoT devices.
Program Highlights

Fun way to build future skills from comfort of your home.

Online Live Class
An expert-led online class of 45 minutes each in a small class size of 5-6 kids.
Projects & Workouts
Daily workouts for mastering 36 skills with up to 20 Workouts per skill.
Quizzes and Championships
Competitive quizzes and championships for each grade with weekly and monthly winners.
INR 2999 / Month(s)

Classes - 2 Classes/week

Class Length - 45 min

Duration - 2 Months

Class Type - LIVE Classes

Introductory Guide to Connected Learning Program

The main goal of this video tutorial is to provide a brief understanding of the Connected Learning program and how it will help you grow STEAM Education in kids.

Watch below video on how your learning experience with us works and much more
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Parent's Mobile number is required