Wiz Web Design for Kids
Code your first website with HTML5 and CSS3 for Beginners

Learn basics of Web Development starting from scratch with HTML and CSS with Wiz HTML Program.

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Wiz Web Design for Kids
Wiz Web Design
Why Wiz Web Design Program?

This course covers complete understanding of HTML and CSS from scratch for kids from age 9 to 14 years without any coding experience. This is the perfect course to start with as it is especially designed for kids who are willing to learn web development in the early stages of studying.

Wiz Web Design program is perfect training for your kid so as to add HTML and CSS as their skillset. Learn from basics and step by step guidance from our mentors so as to develop complete understanding of web development and design.

Wiz Web Design
What does Wiz Web Design Program teach?
  • Create structure of HTML, Paragraphs, Headings, Table, Forms etc
  • Add layouts and borders to your web pages
  • Create Navigation bar and add images and videos. Create your own width and height of web elements.
  • Add fonts and background colours to web elements.
  • Design and style your website using CSS and HTML
  • Syntax of HTML and CSS in easiest ways for kids and students
What can you Build using Wiz Web Design?

Programming Fundamentals

Learn programming basics and follow simple to use web design guidelines to make your website stand out. Understand each web element in details with examples

Web Development

Gain Hands-on experience of web development using HTML and structure your webpage and content accordingly.


Style and Design using CSS

Learn how to style your web elements and change the design of webpages to make it better and attractive. Use CSS3 layouts for designing the pages and modify with real-time code editor for simplicity

Programming Fundamentals

Learn programming basics and follow simple to use web design guidelines to make your website stand out. Understand each web element in details with examples

Web Development

Gain Hands-on experience of web development using HTML and structure your webpage and content accordingly.


Style and Design using CSS

Learn how to style your web elements and change the design of webpages to make it better and attractive. Use CSS3 layouts for designing the pages and modify with real-time code editor for simplicity


Programming Fundamentals

Learn programming basics and follow simple to use web design guidelines to make your website stand out. Understand each web element in details with examples

Web Development

Gain Hands-on experience of web development using HTML and structure your webpage and content accordingly.


Style and Design using CSS

Learn how to style your web elements and change the design of webpages to make it better and attractive. Use CSS3 layouts for designing the pages and modify with real-time code editor for simplicity
Program Highlights

Fun way to build future skills from comfort of your home.

Online Live Classes
An expert-led online class of 45 minutes each in a small class size of 5-6 kids.
Projects & Workouts
Daily workouts for mastering 36 skills with upto 10 workouts per skill and projects on the skills learned.
Quizzes and Championships
Competitive quizzes and championships for each grade with weekly and monthly winners.
INR 2499 / Month(s)

Classes - 2 Classes/week

Class Length - 45 Mins

Duration - 2 Months

Class Type - LIVE Classes

Your Kid's Journey on Wiz Web Design
HTML Overview, Structure, Headings, Tags, Forms, Tables, Images
1 & 2
Create link-break, create image with link, review html elements, CSS overview and syntax
3 & 4
Change background color, create class, create border, padding, font style, align text, change font
5 & 6
Create Project, review project, learn deployment of website on server and maintain it
7 & 8
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